
Judicial consent 1994 wikipedia
Judicial consent 1994 wikipedia

judicial consent 1994 wikipedia

At the 1993 conference, Michael Howard, who had become Home Secretary, announced details of the new Criminal Justice Bill. Following debates in the House of Commons in its aftermath, Prime Minister John Major alluded to a future clampdown with then Home Secretary Ken Clarke at that year's Conservative Party conference. Note: Since 2010, almost all information owned by the UK Crown is offered for use and re-use under the Open Government Licence by authority of The Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office.A primary motivation for the act was to curb illegal raves and free parties, especially the traveller festival circuit, which was steadily growing in the early 1990s, culminating in the 1992 Castlemorton Common Festival. identity documents such as the British Passport.Ĭonsult this guide for full details.other intellectual property rights, including patents, trade marks, and design rights and.third party rights the Information Provider is not authorised to license.departmental or public sector organisation logos, crests and the Royal Arms except where they form an integral part of a document or dataset.

judicial consent 1994 wikipedia

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Judicial consent 1994 wikipedia